Sunday, July 13, 2008

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls was incredibly beautiful. Luis´friend Oscar, his son Daniel, Luis and I met my two brothers Steven and Glenn.

We went on Maid of the Mist. How awesome! We got so close to the falling water. Everyone gets ponchos but it was so hot that a few of us didn´t wear them. We got pretty wet but it felt good in this heat.

Luis and Oscar spent their university rural year, a year of practical work, in Arboletes, Colombia in 1996. Now Oscar, his wife Adriana and their two kids live in Toronto. They are both doctors and are seeking permanent residency in Canada.

1 comment:

squirrelmama said...

This is so bee-yoo-tee-ful! It reminds me of the trip Rod and I took one year on our way back from Erie, Pa. We drove through scenic Buffalo Chips, N.Y., and into Niagara Falls on the American side, only to opt for the prettier view, which is to cross into Canada (which we did). Of course, we did come back into the States, George Bush eventually became president (twice) and we all know how that story goes.